Oxygen Enhanced Super-Charged Nutrition
Beyond Greens is the first complete oxygen-enhanced land and sea greens formula, super-charged with living nutrients and enzymes. This oxygen-enhanced formula energizes and alkalizes the system, improves the intestinal environment, and helps to cleanse and deodorize the body. This unique and powerful blend of natural, organic ingredients provides the very elements of life, itself.
By any standard, the average Western diet is woefully inadequate for the purpose of supplying sufficient nutrients to provide for optimum health in today's world. The health of those who consume the average Western diet is being destroyed, but this is nothing new. Degenerative diseases are rampant, and we have an epidemic in adult-onset diabetes, sometimes affecting children age ten, and under, and life-threatening infectious diseases for which there are no treatments.
In the 1930s, Dr. Clive McCay, a well-known and sometimes controversial Cornell University Professor of Nutrition, and researcher, made a momentous discovery — by feeding laboratory animals a low-calorie diet rich in minerals, vitamins and protein, he could retard the onset of old age and dramatically increase the animals’ longevity. His research attracted the attention of New York state officials, who asked him to help improve the diets of the state’s mental patients. McCay developed a highly nutritious bread made with soy flour, wheat germ, wheat flour and dry milk, acclaimed by The New York Times as the “Do-good Loaf.” Dr. McCay warned, "the overeating of refined foods is the only form of suicide tolerated by our customs, even though it is painful and torturous. There is mounting evidence that civilization has tricked us. Man has so tampered with our foods, either by food-robbery or adulteration, that eating these deficient foods may bring us many health problems."
Between 1932 and 1942, an experiment was conducted by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD. Dr. Pottenger was dedicated to the cause of preventing chronic illness, and was interested in the relationship between diet and health. His study involved some 900 healthy cats and he chose to study the effects of a raw diet vs a cooked diet. Dr. Pottenger found that only diets containing raw milk and raw meat produced optimal health: good bone structure and density, wide palates with plenty of space for teeth, shiny fur, no parasites or disease, reproductive ease and gentle natured cats. Cooking the meat or substituting heat processed milk for raw milk resulted in heterogeneous reproduction and physical degeneration, increasing with each generation. This early study made significant contributions to the understanding of the day of the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. The changes Pottenger observed in cats on the deficient diets paralleled the human degeneration found in tribes that had abandoned traditional diets. What Pottenger's research clearly demonstrated was that even one generation of processed food had powerful effects on following generations
Since the post World War II discovery that nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, left over in large quantities from the war-time explosives industry, could be used as fertilizer to produce enormous crop yields, agriculture has departed radically from traditional, natural farming practices, and we have been "guinea pigs" in a vast experiment on the effects of highly industrialized living. Since then, our soils have become progressively depleted of minerals which are vital to human metabolism. The need for hybrid strains of plants that could adapt to the chemicals have left us with constitutionally weaker strains that have become more susceptible to insects, fungus and weed overgrowth, which in turn, had required powerful insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, most of which are synthesized from petroleum, and are toxic to both animal and human life.
One of the first warnings about modern agribusiness came in the early 50's from Rachel Carlson's book, Silent Spring, yet, to this very day, the destructive practices of agribusiness continue to wreck havoc with the health of nearly every American, and others living in Western societies. Dwight McKee, a medical doctor and research consultant, has noted, "The ancient Egyptians perfected the embalming of the body; modern corporate scientists have perfected the embalming of human food." It's accurate to say that most of the food consumed today in Western societies is chemically grown, denatured, enzyme and nutrient poor, highly processed, refined, chemical-laced, and/or over-cooked. On top of all that, we face yet another threat to our well-being, one that former FDA Commissioner, Dr. David Kessler referred to as "a major challenge for the future", that of contamination. Food-borne diseases affect millions of Americans, and thousands die, every year. While it may be said that our bodies are so wonderfully made that, in many cases, they seem to be able to run on just about any fuel for a long time, but eventually the accumulated health insults result in one or more of the degenerative diseases that are rampant, and largely unchecked in our present world. In 1981, C. Everett Koop, former US Surgeon General, said, "75 percent of deaths in America are nutrition-related," and that certainly hasn't improved any since then.
Dr. Paavo Airola, Ph. D., considered to be America's foremost nutritionist, and one of the world's leading exponent of biological medicine, has been quoted as saying, "Those who advocate eating natural foods as the only source of vitamins and minerals live in a dream world of yesterday. Yesterday's law is today's folly. You simply can't eat enough to get the nutrition you need to thrive in today's environment." Although awareness of good nutrition has risen in the past few decades, fast food and junk foods are still the staple of many people’s diets. Even the 'healthy' vegetables we occasionally eat are usually grown in low quality, chemically fertilized soils, and the beneficial enzymes are destroyed through cooking. Current nutritional guidelines recommend consuming 4 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day; most people eat only 1-2, even if you include the french fries. Moreover, even if nutritional supplements are taken, most vitamin and mineral supplements contain synthetic and inorganic nutrients, whose absorption and utilization is questionable, and do not supply any of the hundreds of enzymes and nutrients found to be naturally occurring in concentrated whole food sources.
Another unfortunate side effect of the average Western, unhealthy diet is what it does to our bodies’ acid-alkaline balance. Our body's pH must be kept at a slightly alkaline level in order to preserve optimal health. When it falls below this slightly alkaline level (7.2 to 7.4), virtually all cellular functions are affected. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side, cell metabolism will stop, and as connective tissue cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes, these cells will die. The average American diet is very acid-forming in the body, which leads to ill health, mineral imbalances and deficiencies, fatigue, and even more serious conditions. Fast foods, sodas, sugar and heavy meat consumption all tend to put the body dangerously on the acid side. Along with transitioning to a healthier diet, supplementing with a high quality vegetarian whole food complex can bring the body into a healthier alkaline balance.
Beyond Greens is the first complete oxygen-enhanced land and sea greens formula, super-charged with living nutrients and enzymes. This oxygen-enhanced formula energizes and alkalizes the system, improves the intestinal environment, and helps to cleanse and deodorize the body. This unique and powerful blend of natural, organic ingredients provides the elements of life, itself.
One of the key components of Beyond Greens is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that channels the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. The structure of chlorophyll closely resembles that of hemoglobin, the iron-containing pigment found in the red blood cells that transports oxygen to all the cells of the body. Dr. Bernard Jensen, the famous naturopathic practitioner, points out in his book The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, that chlorophyll is able to remove toxic pesticide and drug residues from the body, as well as to bind with radioactive materials and remove them.
Some of the major benefits of high chlorophyll consumption listed in Dr. Jensen's book are:
Beyond Greens is the first complete oxygen-enhanced land and sea greens formula, super-charged with living nutrients and enzymes. This oxygen-enhanced formula energizes and alkalizes the system, improves the intestinal environment, and helps to cleanse and deodorize the body. This unique and powerful blend of natural, organic ingredients provides the very elements of life, itself.
By any standard, the average Western diet is woefully inadequate for the purpose of supplying sufficient nutrients to provide for optimum health in today's world. The health of those who consume the average Western diet is being destroyed, but this is nothing new. Degenerative diseases are rampant, and we have an epidemic in adult-onset diabetes, sometimes affecting children age ten, and under, and life-threatening infectious diseases for which there are no treatments.
In the 1930s, Dr. Clive McCay, a well-known and sometimes controversial Cornell University Professor of Nutrition, and researcher, made a momentous discovery — by feeding laboratory animals a low-calorie diet rich in minerals, vitamins and protein, he could retard the onset of old age and dramatically increase the animals’ longevity. His research attracted the attention of New York state officials, who asked him to help improve the diets of the state’s mental patients. McCay developed a highly nutritious bread made with soy flour, wheat germ, wheat flour and dry milk, acclaimed by The New York Times as the “Do-good Loaf.” Dr. McCay warned, "the overeating of refined foods is the only form of suicide tolerated by our customs, even though it is painful and torturous. There is mounting evidence that civilization has tricked us. Man has so tampered with our foods, either by food-robbery or adulteration, that eating these deficient foods may bring us many health problems."
Between 1932 and 1942, an experiment was conducted by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD. Dr. Pottenger was dedicated to the cause of preventing chronic illness, and was interested in the relationship between diet and health. His study involved some 900 healthy cats and he chose to study the effects of a raw diet vs a cooked diet. Dr. Pottenger found that only diets containing raw milk and raw meat produced optimal health: good bone structure and density, wide palates with plenty of space for teeth, shiny fur, no parasites or disease, reproductive ease and gentle natured cats. Cooking the meat or substituting heat processed milk for raw milk resulted in heterogeneous reproduction and physical degeneration, increasing with each generation. This early study made significant contributions to the understanding of the day of the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. The changes Pottenger observed in cats on the deficient diets paralleled the human degeneration found in tribes that had abandoned traditional diets. What Pottenger's research clearly demonstrated was that even one generation of processed food had powerful effects on following generations
Since the post World War II discovery that nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, left over in large quantities from the war-time explosives industry, could be used as fertilizer to produce enormous crop yields, agriculture has departed radically from traditional, natural farming practices, and we have been "guinea pigs" in a vast experiment on the effects of highly industrialized living. Since then, our soils have become progressively depleted of minerals which are vital to human metabolism. The need for hybrid strains of plants that could adapt to the chemicals have left us with constitutionally weaker strains that have become more susceptible to insects, fungus and weed overgrowth, which in turn, had required powerful insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, most of which are synthesized from petroleum, and are toxic to both animal and human life.
One of the first warnings about modern agribusiness came in the early 50's from Rachel Carlson's book, Silent Spring, yet, to this very day, the destructive practices of agribusiness continue to wreck havoc with the health of nearly every American, and others living in Western societies. Dwight McKee, a medical doctor and research consultant, has noted, "The ancient Egyptians perfected the embalming of the body; modern corporate scientists have perfected the embalming of human food." It's accurate to say that most of the food consumed today in Western societies is chemically grown, denatured, enzyme and nutrient poor, highly processed, refined, chemical-laced, and/or over-cooked. On top of all that, we face yet another threat to our well-being, one that former FDA Commissioner, Dr. David Kessler referred to as "a major challenge for the future", that of contamination. Food-borne diseases affect millions of Americans, and thousands die, every year. While it may be said that our bodies are so wonderfully made that, in many cases, they seem to be able to run on just about any fuel for a long time, but eventually the accumulated health insults result in one or more of the degenerative diseases that are rampant, and largely unchecked in our present world. In 1981, C. Everett Koop, former US Surgeon General, said, "75 percent of deaths in America are nutrition-related," and that certainly hasn't improved any since then.
Dr. Paavo Airola, Ph. D., considered to be America's foremost nutritionist, and one of the world's leading exponent of biological medicine, has been quoted as saying, "Those who advocate eating natural foods as the only source of vitamins and minerals live in a dream world of yesterday. Yesterday's law is today's folly. You simply can't eat enough to get the nutrition you need to thrive in today's environment." Although awareness of good nutrition has risen in the past few decades, fast food and junk foods are still the staple of many people’s diets. Even the 'healthy' vegetables we occasionally eat are usually grown in low quality, chemically fertilized soils, and the beneficial enzymes are destroyed through cooking. Current nutritional guidelines recommend consuming 4 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day; most people eat only 1-2, even if you include the french fries. Moreover, even if nutritional supplements are taken, most vitamin and mineral supplements contain synthetic and inorganic nutrients, whose absorption and utilization is questionable, and do not supply any of the hundreds of enzymes and nutrients found to be naturally occurring in concentrated whole food sources.
Another unfortunate side effect of the average Western, unhealthy diet is what it does to our bodies’ acid-alkaline balance. Our body's pH must be kept at a slightly alkaline level in order to preserve optimal health. When it falls below this slightly alkaline level (7.2 to 7.4), virtually all cellular functions are affected. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side, cell metabolism will stop, and as connective tissue cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes, these cells will die. The average American diet is very acid-forming in the body, which leads to ill health, mineral imbalances and deficiencies, fatigue, and even more serious conditions. Fast foods, sodas, sugar and heavy meat consumption all tend to put the body dangerously on the acid side. Along with transitioning to a healthier diet, supplementing with a high quality vegetarian whole food complex can bring the body into a healthier alkaline balance.
Beyond Greens is the first complete oxygen-enhanced land and sea greens formula, super-charged with living nutrients and enzymes. This oxygen-enhanced formula energizes and alkalizes the system, improves the intestinal environment, and helps to cleanse and deodorize the body. This unique and powerful blend of natural, organic ingredients provides the elements of life, itself.
One of the key components of Beyond Greens is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that channels the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. The structure of chlorophyll closely resembles that of hemoglobin, the iron-containing pigment found in the red blood cells that transports oxygen to all the cells of the body. Dr. Bernard Jensen, the famous naturopathic practitioner, points out in his book The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, that chlorophyll is able to remove toxic pesticide and drug residues from the body, as well as to bind with radioactive materials and remove them.
Some of the major benefits of high chlorophyll consumption listed in Dr. Jensen's book are:
• Maintains body's pHbalance • Detoxifies the blood • Relieves bad breathand body odor • Improves insomnia • Functions as anti-oxidant • Revitalizes and activates body cells • Removes mucus | • Improves thyroid • Increases red bloodcells • Promotes healthy circulation • Enhances metabolism • Helps retard the aging process • Strengthens defenses • Improves digestion |
NOTICE: The United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program regulates the standards for any farm, wild crop harvesting, or handling operation that wants to sell an agricultural product as organically produced. The National Organic Program and the Organic Foods Production Act are intended to assure consumers that the organic foods they purchase are produced, processed, and certified to be consistent with national organic standards. Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, exclusion of all synthetic chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones in crop and livestock production. When a product says "Certified Organic," that means something very exclusive and special.
Allicin Center's Beyond Greens contains the following healthful ingredients:
Certified Organic Barley Grass: Certified Organic Barley Grass is a major component of Beyond Greens, and is regarded as being one of the most nutritious of all plant foods, containing a broad spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids in high concentrations. In its natural state, it also contains thousands of enzymes which play an important role in the metabolism of the body. One of these enzymes is the cellular antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps detoxify the body from chemicals and heavy metals. Research has shown that SOD can even restore function and repair DNA in older and less active cells.
The following enzymes have been identified in green barley:
•Aspartate aminotransferase •Catalase •Cytochrome oxidase •Dnase •Fatty acid oxidase Hexokinase •Malic dehydrogenase •Nitrate reductase •Nitrogen oxyreductase | •Peroxidase catalase •Phosphatase •Phospholipase •Polyphenoloxidase •Rnase •Superoxide dismutase •Transhydrogenase |
Very few plants contain the full range of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) required for growth, repair and maintenance of tissue. Young green barley leaves are 40 per cent protein. These plant proteins are 90 per cent usable and easily digested and assimilated.
The following amino acids and related compounds have been identified in green barley:
•Alanine •Amide •Arginine •Aspartic acid •Cystine •Glutamic acid •Glycine •Histidine •Isoleucine •Leucine | •Lysine •Methionine •Phenylalanine •Proline •Purines •Serine •Threonine •Tryptophan •Tyrosine •Valine |
Certified Organic Wheat Grass & Certified Organic Kamut Grass The Certified Organic Wheat Grass & Certified Organic Kamut Grass in Beyond Greens have very similar properties to the Certified Organic Barley Grass. Wheat Grass has long been regarded as practically a fountain of youth, and thousands of testimonials over a period of several decades of consumption have attributed to it almost miraculously powerful health benefits. Wheat Grass is truly one of the best cleansing, healing and protecting superfoods that can be consumed. Kamut is generally regarded as a grain that is the purest and therefore, least allergy-inducing wheat on the market. Kamut is a strain of wheat that was brought to the United States as a non-hybrid seed. It has remained unchanged or tainted by "man," which is the reason for its exceptionally high nutritional value. Both wheat grasses and Kamut, are high in Chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other important nutrients.
Certified Organic Hawaiian Spirulina: Certified Organic Hawaiian Spirulina is another powerhouse super whole food component of Beyond Greens. This tiny aquatic plant is a blue-green microalgae, and contains 60% protein, essential vitamins and phytonutrients such as the antioxidant beta carotene, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides. Its deep green color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments that harvest the sun's energy - chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange). The nutrients in Spirulina are easy-to-digest and rapidly absorbed. The beta carotene in Spirulina is ten times more concentrated than the beta carotene in carrots. Beta carotene is an antioxidant pigment precursor to vitamin A that supports the body's defenses. Spirulina is also rich in Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that is also supplied in mother's milk, and promotes the development of healthy babies. GLA is also essential for the health and support of many of the body’s systems and tissues, including the immune, endocrine, skin and mucous membranes. Spirulina is also rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, vitamin B12 which is essential for healthy nerves and tissues, numerous beneficial polysaccharides, sulfolipids & glycolipids, as well as the rainbow of natural pigments that give spirulina it's deep green color.
Apple Pectin: Apple Pectin in the diets of humans and lab animals, has been shown to increase the excretion of lipids, cholesterol and bile acids, and reduce serum cholesterol levels. Apple pectin has also been found to be useful in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
Soynatto: Soynatto is a soy product that is produced through a unique and proprietary fermentation process that yields a superior whole soy food with enhanced bio-availability and digestibility. . Soynatto supplies the clinically studied soy isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, along with the added benefits of beta glucan. Isoflavones are a class of plant estrogens that can help preserve the skeletal structure by inhibiting bone resorption. Isoflavones also have antioxidant properties that can protect the cardiovascular system. Beta glucan, another component of Soynatto, activates an immunoreceptor in the macrophages (a type of white immune cell), which in turn triggers a general stimulation to the rest of the immune system which makes it more effective at protecting our health and well-being.
Chlorella: Chlorella is a green, single cell fresh water algae about the size of a human white blood cell. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. Chlorella is also rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, "C.G.F." (Chlorella Growth Factor) and other beneficial substances. Chlorella strengthens body cells by supporting the functioning of our metabolic pathways. In studies, Chlorella was added to the diet of mice with 'fatty livers.' and over an extended period there was a marked reduction in this fatty condition. Those mice that were injected with cancer cells showed a higher resistance to this challenge if they had been fed with Chlorella. Another test showed that Chlorella Growth Factor (C.G.F.) will improve their resistance to abdominal tumors and increase the number of immune cells in the abdominal cavity. Chlorella can promote cell reproduction, reduce cholesterol, increase hemoglobin levels and strengthen immune system response. Since Chlorella is such a broad-spectrum product, it can help to support and repair organs and tissues that have been injured by a variety of causes. Chlorella is also a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and pesticides. Chlorella's fibrous, indigestible outer shell material has been proven in numerous studies in the US and Europe to actually bind with the heavy metals and pesticides which can accumulate in our bodies ( persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead, DDT and PCB). This detoxification of heavy metals and other chemical toxins in the blood will take 3 to 6 months to build up enough to begin this process, depending on how much Chlorella a person is taking. Since Chlorella is a food, it is almost impossible to ingest too much of it. It is also this fibrous material which greatly augments healthy digestion and overall digestive track health. Chlorella's cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of the liver, helps keep the blood clean. A clean bloodstream, with an abundance of red blood cells to carry oxygen, is necessary to a strong natural defense system. Clean blood insures that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues.
Dulse: Dulse is an edible sea vegetable that is rich in more than 20 minerals, of which 14 are medicinal. Harvested from the cold North Atlantic, it is high in iron, natural calcium, vitamin "A" & "C", potassium, iron, trace minerals, and like Spirulina, is a vegetable source of vitamin B12. It supports optimal thyroid gland activity and function, and it is also naturally detoxifying. Dulse is also a natural source of iodine, an essential trace mineral that is needed by the thyroid gland to maintain proper metabolism and regulate body temperatures, blood cell production, muscle, nerve and other bodily functions.
Lactospore® Lactospore® is the trade name for the friendly bacterial culture L. Sporogenes. These microflora organisms are sturdy, spore-bearing lactic bacteria that can survive as they pass through the highly acidic environment in the stomach. Because they are highly stable and are not easily affected by heat, acids, bile and other harmful chemicals, they easily grow and multiply in the intestinal tract. Viable (living) cells of L. Sporogenes have been observed in the feces long after taking the probiotic supplement. Studies have shown that the L. Sporogenes spores found in Lactospore®
Supplementing with probiotics such as Lactospore®:
•Helps prevent bacterial and fungal infections
•Improves the balance of intestinal flora
•Reduces intestinal toxicity
•Reduces toxic burden on liver and other organs, and
•Improves overall health and well-being
Green Tea: Green tea antioxidant polyphenols are 40 times stronger than vitamin C and 20 times stronger than vitamin E. They have radioprotective, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-parasitic and anti-cholesterolemic action. Green Tea’s potent antioxidant polyphenols also protect the body cells from the toxins being released from the storage fats being burned. These polyphenols include catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallo-catechin-gallate, and gallo-catechin. These tea polyphenols, as well as the theophylline in the Green Tea, enhance the process of thermogenesis, involving the metabolism of fatty acids for heat production. The Green Tea Extract in Beyond Greens contains 50% catechin.
Acerola Berry Extract: Acerola is a bright red berry, and it contains the most potent source of natural vitamin C and bioflavanoids known. Vitamin C is water soluble, and because the body does not store it, vitamin C must be replenished on a daily basis. The human body does not produce bioflavanoids, so they too must be supplied by the diet. Bioflavanoids work synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillary blood vessels. They help to promote circulation as well as stimulate bile production in the liver. The Acerola Berry is also very useful in the colon where it helps to balance the pH levels to allow for proper colon function.
Certified Organic Beet Juice: Certified Organic Beet Juice has been used to facilitate digestion as well as stimulate the kidneys and lymphatic system. According to the research carried out by Drs. Ferenczi, Seeger and Trub, red beet juice is believed to both stimulate and strengthen the peristalic activity of the bowels as well as the neighboring organs and glands: the liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys.
Royal Jelly: Biochemically speaking, Royal Jelly is very complex. It is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white, creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of the nurse bees. It is a very rich source of proteins and contains eight essential amino acids, important fatty acids, sugars, sterols and phosphorous compounds as well as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell (cell communication). A deficiency of this compound makes individuals prone to Alzheimer's disease. It also contains gamma globulin, known to stimulate the immune system and fight off infections. According to Steve Schechter, M.D., "Royal Jelly is an excellent source of nutrients and is gentle to the system." It contains vitamins A, C, D and E, and it is particularly useful for its B-complex contents, including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, and inositol. Royal Jelly is also high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. It also supplies the minerals, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sulfur. Queen bees live exclusively on Royal Jelly, and it accounts for their incredible size and longevity. Queen bees average 42 percent larger, weigh 60 percent more, and live 40 times longer than worker bees (seven years compared to seven weeks).
Broccoli Juice Powder: Broccoli Juice Powders are rich in indole carbinol, an enzyme substance that breaks down estrogen, and comes from the phytochemical family. Estrogen is a hormone which appears to promote the development of certain breast tumors, among many other physiological functions. Some researchers believe that a cup of broccoli a day contains enough indole carbinol to help ward off these tumors. The responsible chemical in the broccoli that makes this enzyme increase is sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is also found in cruciferous vegetables, like kale, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts (as well as non-cruciferous vegetables, such as carrots and green onions.
Aloe Vera Extract: Aloe Vera contains a remarkable constitutent called “mucopolysaccharide”, which is a long chain sugar molecule composed of individual mannose and glucose sugar molecules connected together. Mucopolysaccharides are inflammation reducers, very effective intracellular antioxidants, free radical scavengers, and effective anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents.
Ginkgo Biloba Standardized Extract: Ginkgo Biloba Standardized Extract has been shown to be profoundly beneficial to the brain and cardiovascular system. It is believed that Ginkgo Biloba extract has a number of vaso-protective actions, including a relaxing effect on blood vessels, a contractile action resulting in an increase of tone in abnormally relaxed vessels, a protective action against capillary permeability, anti-thrombotic activity as well as anti-ischemic (ischemia is the decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels), and anti-edemic properties. Ginkgo Biloba extract supports both cognitive and memory functions, and overall brain energy levels. Platelet activating factor (PAF) is an inflammation mediator involved in various harmful conditions affecting heart, lung, brain and vessels. Ginkgolide B has been found to be the most active PAF antagonist compound contained in Ginkgo biloba, which makes it effective in inhibiting excessive platelet aggregation and clumping.
Bilberry Extract: Bilberry Extract contains compounds that are beneficial for the eyes. These compounds, called anthocyanidins, have the ability to protect and regenerate retinal purple (rhodopsin), and are the primary agents responsible for its ability to heal and protect the eyes. The anthocyanidins in Bilberry Extract decrease vascular permeability. How this works is not fully understood yet, but it appears that bilberry anthocyanidins interact with blood vessel collagen in such a way as to slow down enzymatic attack of the blood vessel wall. This prevents leakage of capillaries, decreases ocular pressure and relieves painful edemas.
Magnesium Dioxide: The utilization of all the unique superfoods and phytochemicals in Beyond Greens is further augmented with the addition of oxygen-rich Magnesium Dioxide that helps enhance cellular metabolism and ATP energy production for improved cellular health. Magnesium helps in transporting glucose into each cell in the body. It is also very necessary for burning or oxidizing glucose for energy. For this reason, magnesium is essential for the body to properly metabolize carbohydrates.
Supplement* Facts:
Serving Size: 3 Vicaps (635mg)
Servings Per Container: 60 (180 Vicaps)
Ingredient | Amount Per Serving |
Certified Organic Barley Grass Certified Organic Kamut Grass Barley Grass Apple Pectin Certified Organic Hawaiian Spirulina Soynatto Certified Organic Wheat Grass Powder Certified Organic Chlorella Wild-crafted Dulse Lactospore Probiotic Green Tea Extract 50% catechins Acerola Berry Extract Certified Organic Beet Juice Powder Certified Organic Royal Jelly Broccoli Juice Powder Aloe Vera Extract 200:1 Ginkgo Biloba Standardized Extract 24% Bilberry Extract 25% Magnesium (Dioxide) Vitamin C Citrus Bioflavonoids | 240mg ** 200mg ** 115 mg ** 15 mg ** 115 mg ** 90 mg ** 80 mg ** 80mg ** 40 mg ** 40 mg ** 25 mg ** 15 mg ** 15 mg ** 15mg ** 5 mg ** 5 mg** 5 mg ** 5 mg ** 25 mg 25 mg 0 mg ** |
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