
World’s FIRST Complete PRE/PRO Biotic with digestive enzyme

Our gut contains literally trillions of microorganisms cohabiting with us-- the average colon contains about two and a half kilograms of bacteria. Mothers pass on these organisms to their babies in the birth canal, and from that moment on, the peaceful coexistence begins. In a healthy, optimally functioning human body, that's exactly what it is - a peaceful coexistence. The hundreds of species of bacteria work together in the digestive tract to move the digestive process along. Healthy microorganisms aid in digestion, absorption, and the production of significant amounts of B vitamins and enzymes. They help maintain a healthy immune system which, in turn, protects the body against everything from food poisoning and stomach ulcers to cancer. Perhaps most importantly, the healthy bacteria crowd out the harmful ones that also live there. Environmental factors, a poor diet, the overuse of antibiotics, and even age and stress can upset that peaceful coexistence, giving the harmful bacteria the upper hand.

Probiosis is, quite literally, the reduction of dysbiosis. Today, the term probiotic is used to describe a group of dietary supplements whose aim is to help restore a healthy bacterial balance in the digestive tract. Under optimal conditions, the body maintains this healthy balance on its own, but conditions are not usually optimal. There are many factors that negatively influence the healthy microflora balance in the digestive tract, including age, stress, medicinal antibiotics as well as the large amount of antibiotics in the meats we eat, and radiation and chemotherapy.  The chlorine found in most UK drinking water can wipe out    entire strains of friendly bacteria from our intestines. Even the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like many common over-the-counter painkillers can have an impact on this delicate balance. 

PREPRO™contain mixtures of good bacteria, digestive enzyme and prebiotic agents which when introduced into the body, the pH levels in the intestines are reduced, and the activity of the bad, putrefactive bacteria is inhibited. Benefits of PREPRO™ are self-evident. By helping the digestive tract maintain a healthy ratio of good to bad bacteria, PREPRO™, in effect, helps the body help itself.

  • During a normal human lifetime, some 60 tons of food will pass through the gastrointestinal system
  • It is estimated that we consume 1 million times less healthy bacteria in our diet than our ancient ancestors
  • The healthy intestinal tract contains more than 100 trillion microorganisms from some 400 different species
  • The human body is estimated to contain 10 times more microorganisms than human body cells
  • Pharmaceutical antibiotic preparations can completely eliminate the friendly bacteria from the intestinal tract of some patients


The word comes from 'pro', which means for, and 'bios', which means life. So probiotic is just a general word that means 'for life'. In particular, the term probiotic is often used to describe food supplements containing live bacteria that can help your health.
We often think of bacteria as harmful organisms, but while many do cause disease, some are beneficial to the body. We all carry millions of bacteria in and on the surface of our body, and they play an important role in fending off harmful organisms (known as pathogens).
Some diseases, stress and medicine, such as pharmaceutical antibiotics, can wipe out the body's supply of good bacteria. If these can't be replaced, then other problems may develop. Healthy bacteria are part of our immune system and help to prevent infections. In the gut they play a particularly important role. Our so-called friendly bacteria break down food we eat to provide a source of energy for the cells that line the intestines. PREPRO™ contains the premium five strains of probiotic bacteria.
Stabilised AlliSURE® allicin

Allicin has natural antibiotic properties which helps maintain a healthy immune response in the body. Researchers have confirmed that it is allicin that can control and regulate body functions and dysfunctions. Allicin has the ability to fight infections, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and even help in the fight against cancer. It also helps lower blood sugar levels and keeps plaque from building up on artery walls. Allicin can act as a prebiotic – by reducing the presence of harmful organisms it creates an environment in which beneficial organisms can flourish. That makes PREPRO™, a unique balanced prebiotic/probiotic supplement. Long before pharmaceutical antibiotics were used, crushed garlic extracts producing tiny quantities of allicin were used to combat a wide range of infectious diseases, from dysentery and typhus to cholera, smallpox, and tuberculosis. At the level it is provided in PREPRO™, allicin selectively kills pathogenic organisms and leaves the beneficial ones intact. It also selectively inhibits enzymes that pathogens use to damage tissues. Allisure® allicin is the ONLY stabilized allicin extract available Worldwide and is immediately ready to help your body regain a balanced digestive system. 
Fructo-oligosaccharides or FOS typically refer to short-chain oligosaccharides comprised of D-fructose and D-glucose, containing from three to five monosaccharide units. FOS, also called neo-sugar and short-chain FOS (sc FOS), are produced on a commercial scale from sucrose using a fungal fructosyltransferase enzyme. FOS are resistant to digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract. They act to stimulate the growth of Bifidobacterium species in the large intestine. FOS are usually combined with probiotic bacteria, often acting as a carrier, and are also found in some functional food products.

Health Depends on Digestive Enzymes - Lipase


Enzymes are proteins that facilitate chemical reactions in living organisms. In fact, they are required for every single chemical action that takes place in your body. All of your cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues are run by enzymes.
Your digestive system, immune system, blood stream, liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas, as well as your ability to see, think, feel, and breathe, all depend on enzymes. All of the minerals and vitamins you eat and all of the hormones your body produces need enzymes in order to work properly. In fact, every single metabolic function in your body is governed by enzymes. Your stamina, your energy level, your ability to utilize vitamins and minerals, your immune system -- all governed by enzymes. The addition of Lipase to PREPRO™ enables even a compromised digestion to begin absorbing the minerals and vitamins delivered to the gut in the food you eat.
Frequently asked questions

Q. How does PREPRO™ work?
A. All the ingredients in PREPRO™ are designed to help support the natural digestive process. They lend a helping hand to digestive systems that have gone out of balance and allow the body to absorb as much of the vital proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals as possible from the food you eat.

Q. How quickly will I see a result?
A. Entirely natural extracts like PREPRO® have shown significant benefits in clinical trials within 7 days of starting the recommended daily dose. This evidence is presented in your free report that you can receive for recommending a fiend to try PREPRO™ (see below)

Q. How much PREPRO™ can I take?
A. The normal maintenance dose is just 2 capsules with every main meal – ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. This dose can be increased or reduced according to the benefits gained. Once you have been taking PREPRO™ for about a month you should be able to determine if you need more or less every day!

Q. Does PREPRO™ have any side effects?
A. All of the ingredients in PREPRO™ are normally very well tolerated. Should you be allergic to any of the contents of PREPRO™ then you might develop a rash – this would quickly disappear when you stop taking the product.

Q. Will PREPRO™ interfere with pharmaceutical medications?
A. This is highly unlikely since these natural extracts have now been taken individually by many thousands of people without any interactions reported. Indeed PREPRO™ may have some synergy with existing prescription medications.

Q. Who can take PREPRO™?
A. Because PREPRO™ only contains naturally derived agents PREPRO™ capsules provide a convenient, lactose and fat-free way to supplement a healthy diet at any mealtime. Consequently, PREPRO™ is suitable for everyone including vegetarians, people with diabetes, those following a lactose-free or gluten-free diet, and women who are pregnant.

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