
Unique support for your heart and circulatory system!

Heartfast is a combination of stabilized allicin, omega 3 and 6 fish oil, L arginine and cayenne pepper.

It is able to immediately improve the quality of your circulating blood and reduce the stress on your heart. It will reduce blood pressure if it is elevated and can return ageing arteries back by many years!

Did you Know?
Since 1900, Cardiovascular Disease has been the number one killer in the United States, every year but 1918? Nearly 2,600 Americans die of CVD everyday? (that's an average of 1 death every 33 seconds!) CVD claims more lives every year than cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, diabetes mellitus, influenza and pneumonia combined? 150,000 of those lives are claimed before the age of 65.

What are the risk factors for CVD ?

    * High blood cholesterol
    * High blood pressure
    * Smoking
    * Obesity
    * Lack of physical activity
    * Diabetes
    * Poor circulation
    * Stress

Stress Can Be A Killer!
It is estimated that 75% of physician visits each year are stress related , and if your stress goes unmanaged, you are significantly increasing your risk of heart disease. Stress also affects brain function. Unmanaged emotional stress is now ragarded as MORE important than physical measures in predicting heart disease outcomes.

When you stress, your blood vessels are more prone to damage due to your increased blood pressure. Damage to the blood vessel inner lining causes "plaques" to build up - also known as atherosclerosis or clogging of the arteries. Once the system is damaged, it is more vulnerable to acute stressors.

Remember what NORMAL  red blood cells should look like?

Red Cells Well Defined, Plasma Clear, Good Quality & No Clumping.

Although, the sad reality is, a majority of the populations blood looks more like this...

... BUT There is some GOOD news ...
Look at how the same blood looks, just 10 minutes after taking an all natural, heart healthy supplement, known as HeartFast..

Now, After 30 Days (2 capsules of HeartFast Per Day)

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